![]() Associate: to join as partner, friend or companion. On their website, Merriam-Webster in their synonym discussion of the word makes these two points: - join implies a bringing into contact or conjunction of any degree of closeness - associate stresses the mere fact of frequent occurrence or existence together in space or in logical relation I got to thinking about this word yesterday, because I hate the dissolution of friendships. I know it happens, I know it's a part of life. Things change. People change. People move on. Plus, there's also room for difference that enter the picture that make continuing (whatever the nature of the relationship may be) not so feasible, not so worthwhile, not beneficial... in fact; staying could be detrimental in any number of ways. Parting is such we sorrow, yet sometimes it's necessary in order to stay healthy. Be that as it may, people come together because there exists agreement. There's an "on-board" factor of togetherness in circumstance or cause. This alone makes it all the more important, why people need to prayerful consider what is going to transpire when entering new relationships, whatever their nature. Because their is a level of agreement, of alignment. Their is a joining as of forces; a linking of inseparability. Associate is to look or think of one thing and mentally connect with something or someone else. Thus, is it's important to have God's help, especially for Pastors, in where and with whom they join in the work of the ministry. Pray, this #associateTuesday, that pastors and the people of God alike, will be granted wisdom and discernment, when it comes to relationships and friendships of any nature (business, ministry and otherwise) May the careful consider who and where they should join forces with in carrying out the work of the Lord in ministry. May their be a spirit of unity as they work together. May their be a grace as differences and details of circumstances are worked out. Pray, that when a parting does occur, that it not be a rash, quick decision in a moment of tension and frustration. Even in parting, made their be agreement that truly, God is moving and closing a door, rather than one party storming off in their own right. May we be careful who we come into alignment with; always remembering that our alignment with God and His Word matters most. For eternity. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC
![]() A brief conversation over the weekend that didn't last more than a couple minutes, and a passing thought yesterday morning that didn't last more than a couple seconds. Together, they bring you today's #pray4pastor reading. A pastor over the weekend reached out to me for just a moment, to say "thanks" for praying for pastors, referring to the daily work that goes into Bring Me 70. I said no problem or you're welcome and in a matter of seconds it was over. However, a few hours later, I reached back out to that pastor... offering my thanks for his encouragement; not realizing his acknowledge of Bring Me 70 was something it turned out I needed that day. He followed my thanks with this insight... "praying for pastor is not something that a lot of people do" (that's there not a predominant voice expressing the need - my paraphrase). Then he added, that as pastors, "it's not something we [they themselves] can call attention to." Yes, there will be public moments that a congregation is asked to pray for a specific need for a pastor, something they are believing will happen for the church or the community; perhaps there is a physical situation or something that is (somewhat) public knowledge, that a pastor will ask for prayer. By and large, though.... they won't stand at the pulpit and ask for prayer over situations that resemble what they hear about from parishioners. Kids that are away from God, marital strife, financial strain, pending health complications that doctors have yet to pinpoint, leadership decisions and challenges. We go for prayer for all these matters and usually to our pastors. Where do pastors go for all these matters of their own? While you're thinking about that... I had this moment yesterday morning. While praying for a friend of mine, the words came out without my even thinking about them. Lord, answer the prayers of my friend. We ask God to answer our prayers and we pray for our friends, but how much more can we stand in agreement with our friends, than that God would hear, honor and answer their prayers? They may even be praying for you and you being willing to put your self on hold, so God can work in the life of prayers being offered elsewhere... who knows what God might accomplish? What are your pastors praying for? While they are privately battling issues unknown, they more often than not, continue to set themselves and their own matters aside; to pray for those in their church, their ministry, the community... to be used by God in a greater capacity, beyond their own ability, to continue to carry out the work of the Lord. All while silently being distracted and frustrated from within, because few stand and know how to stand, in agreement with what they face. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday... first that God would forgive us, for putting ourselves and our prayers front and center; that we have not concerned ourselves more with the well-being of others and more importantly, the lives of our spiritual leaders. Pray, that God would hear and answer the prayers of our Pastors. For their vision, for their wisdom, for their hopes & dreams; for their fears and challenges. Pray for the battles they face at home... may the power of the Holy Spirit intervene and intercede on their behalf. Relationships restored. Finances will flourish. Emotions balanced. Wisdom received. Vision made clear. Joy fulfilled. Hearts made glad. Pray that church pastors and leaders will be strengthened and renewed to lead with clarity of purpose and a fresh anointing for the calling that has been placed upon their lives. LET THERE BE LIFE!!!! In churches and ministries that are drying up and burning out. Come quickly, we pray. To God be all glory, honor and praise. - PNC ![]() I hate being the bearer of bad news. I hate it even more on the occasion I'm the lead character. And it's easy, after any given number of occasions to begin to default to worst case scenarios and how people might respond to current circumstances based on how different people responded on prior occasion to an entirely different set of circumstances. How appropriate to have watched Facing The Giants over the weekend. Fear of outcomes before they happen. Attitudes of defeat before we have taken steps towards any attempts at victory. So a confession of our trust in God becomes a test..A binary state. You do. Or you don't. And so do I. Or not. I had an epiphany yesterday afternoon. God's love. His compassion. Forgiveness. Always available. Man's... not so much. Not always. Not when we think we need it most. Thus, is it possible it's easier to confess our sins to God than it is our faults to man? Our failures in this life may not even be sin. Just mistakes. Bad calls. Missed opportunities. Yet owning up to them.... is challenging. Difficult. Frustrating. Whatever we have to offer... complete or incomplete, we and all of our stuff belong to God, first and foremost. Pastors have it too. Experiences and responses carry over. Mistakes and missteps have opportunity to follow us. Ministry can frustrate and just like life, details need to be sorted out. But whatever transpires, trust in God for all circumstances... If we say we trust Him, then we must. When we struggle to do so, we must pray. On this #associateTuesday, pray for pastors struggling to continue to trust in the midst of difficult circumstance with outcomes unknown. Pray for the faults and failures that the enemy attempts to hold over, to hinder from moving forrward in all that God has planned. Pray for God's grace in matters where there are concerns that man's response is greater than God. May their be a reassuring peace that accompanies the knowledge that God is on the throne, still in control & working all things together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. His mercies are new every morning, as we walk in His grace & live for His glory. - PNC ![]() Another interesting statement was made Sunday night during our gathering. Essentially, the statement made was "You started with more when you were in the position I'm in now, than what I'm starting with." Isn't that just like us? I wasn't one the one who made the statement, but don't think for a minute, that I haven't said the same thing myself, Probably fairly recently. It's easy enough to do, actually. Comparison catches us off guard, as if all experiences and environments are the same. And if one of us isn't "keeping pace", then we consider it a handicap... as though we are on the golf range. I need a margin of error to level the playing field. Yeah... if only real life worked like that. Pastors experience this problem just as much. Church growth and attendance. Building programs. Ministry effectiveness in the community. The trend of "multiple campuses". Leadership and positions of influence that are recognized outside the 4 walls of where they pastor. And so many more factors, for all pastors....kids, youth, worship, outreach, college. The truth is, man was formed from the dust of the earth, from the palm of God's hand. He breathed LIFE into His creation. Who we are, what we are capable of and the plans and purposes we were designed to live out were established by God. He is worthy of all that we are able to give, because of who He is. An item or object does not value itself. It is valued by it's Creator. It is valued by the one interested in purchasing it. We were created by God. We were bought with a price... the life of God's Son. We were worth creating. We were worth redeeming. We are worth God's continual pursuit of His creation. I can't remember who said it, but I love the line, God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called. If anyone should have been passed over by God, it was Paul. An expert in denouncing God and destroying His creation. Yet God saw His worth. If those abilities, knowledge, influence, and status could be used to honor and glorify God what would happen for the cause of Jesus Christ? And in the sovereignty of God, a way was made that got Paul's attention. Fortunately for Paul, he responded as we all should. God is worthy. I am not. But God establishes people where He wants and needs them, whereby, regardless of where one is, they have worth. Sinner, saint. Pastor, parishioner. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for pastors struggling in their worth and the temptation to compare. May their eyes remain focused on who they are in Christ and the ministry to which they have been called in the community in which they have been placed. May they not feel as though they are inferior or playing church with a handicap, but that God would use them were they are planted. Pray against the spirit of discouragement and defeat that would attempt to take them out and take them down from their place of ministry in an attempt to strip them of their calling. May the power of the Holy Spirit lift them up, strengthen their hearts and minds and fortify their focus. To Him who is Worthy... all glory and honor to God. For the health of the body of the Christ. - PNC ![]() It happens to the best of us. We miss things. A phone call. A text. The memo and the meeting. We miss an appointment with someone or the due date of a bill that just reminded via phone as you are finding the notice in the mail. We miss what our boss said about a particular client, or worse... what our spouse told us regarding the kids. We miss the opportunity for a relationship, a job or career move or the item we wanted to purchase, but waited for whatever reason. If you're anything me, having someone frustrated with you that you missed stuff just adds to the frustration you already have with yourself, because you know you know better and "that" should have never been missed. Then there's the eternal stuff... the opportunities God has for us, that we miss. His voice. His calling. His purpose for our lives. The little task He wants you to do as He whispers, "trust me". The big thing, for which trusting Him seemingly takes much more effort. It's a cycle to be broken and a new habit to be formed that will lead to less frustrations in our lives. Spiritually-speaking, it's an issue that will draw us closer to God as He works the miraculous in our lives as we pay greater attention to Him and not ourselves... which, ironically, is how we miss the aforementioned, non-eternal list of stuff. And it happens in the lives of Pastors as much as it does you and I. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray for the frustration and the struggle Pastors face for the times they have missed things. Whether it's the life stuff that gets irritating upon discovery that something was missed or the eternal stuff for which one needs His help, grace, forgiveness and direction. Pray for the development of habit and discipline where needed, if that is part of the cause. Pray for the strength and ability to follow-through to what has been told to us in a greater dimension, whether it be on the job, in the home, or in our spirit. May we not mess up, our days or lives, by what we have missed. God help us to manage well, the information and the tasks that have shared with us and entrusted to us... for the glory of God. We can't do this life without You. - PNC ![]() A long, winter-weather day. On the road. For a very long time. Weather wreaked havoc on a handful of motorists and slowed the pace dramatically for the rest of us. Then, when everyone else left work and I was still on the road (and a couple hours away, at that), the boss called... to inform me where he had left an envelope for me. I was excited. It wasn't going anywhere without me. It was just waiting... for me. Moments later, once again... God, I don't have anything to write for #associatePastorTuesday. Ah, but wait. What does God have in store for you, that awaits. And like yesterday's weather, the circumstances were beyond my control. I was on the right route. I was following directions. I was headed where I was expected to go. But outside circumstances dictated I could only do what I could. It was bad weather. I couldn't do something stupid and race through traffic. Finding an alternate route might double my expected time of arrival. I had to maintain a safe and steady pace on the path I was on. What does God have in store that awaits you? Are you being delayed by circumstances beyond your control? Decisions made by you or are (or were) you affected by someone else' rushed decision? One must maintain a pace at which they can control what they have to handle. Conditions worsen or people around you start acting reckless, it simply means you acknowledge anew your trust and reliance on God, then take a deep breath and do what you know to do is right for the task which lies in your hands. It's better to arrive late at what awaits, because of delays beyond your control, than to arrive late because of delays that resulted from your lack of control Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for the circumstances and decisions that make impacts beyond what one can control. Pray for pastors struggling to keep a safe and steady pace; that decisions be not rushed or hurried beyond what is safe and appropriate for the conditions. Whether personal or professional, may they stay focused what they can control... keeping their eyes fixed on the path; continually placing their trust in God; remaining keenly aware of their surroundings and considering their abilities and skill-set as it relates to the conditions in which they find themselves. May they be careful not to worsen any delays through rash or rushed decisions. For each day has enough worries of its own. May our out-of-control decisions and behaviors not add to the list. May we keep our eyes upon Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Patiently excited about what awaits upon our safe, albeit, occasionally delayed arrival. For His glory. We look forward with anticipation. An envelope far greater and of more eternal value than I hold in my hand. - PNC ![]() Once again, I had something else in mind for this post. Then last night, in the mundane act of taking out the trash, I had an "oh, look. It's starting to snow again" moment. A fresh covering. And the blood of Jesus washes whiter than snow.. For all the moments we are not happy with ourselves regarding, for the situations we regret, for the places and actions we'd rather forget... the grace of God and His forgiveness is available to everyone for those who ask. That's the amazing thing of God. No person is exempt from needing Him. No person is disqualified from receiving Him. Regardless of the place and position one finds themselves in this life today, a fresh covering of grace and forgiveness is available. Pastors have their moments, just as much. Regrets, second thoughts, consequences in the aftermath, whatever it may be, God's grace is sufficient. Even for those in ministry. It's reason to celebrate. It's cause to pray. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for those pastors in need of a fresh covering this day. Whether its as recent as a few hours ago or a few decades, may they remember that God is not done with them. A plan and a purpose is still waiting to be fulfilled for all who still have breath. Whatever they have need of today, from God, may they receive it in good measure... not having left anything behind on the table, but allowing a full and complete work of the Holy Spirit to do the miraculous in their lives. May the love, grace and forgiveness of God made available through the blood of Jesus Christ make us whiter than snow. And unlike the covering of snow I am going to clear off my car shortly, may we remember God has forgiven and forgotten... as far as the east is from the west.. We are made new and renewed in Him. A fresh covering for every day. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. - PNC ![]() In my favorite, political television drama, there's a scene where senior adviser is having a conversation with his assistant as the discuss a book written by a fictional consultant. In picking a passage at random; the assistant reads; "It's good to be trapped in a corner. That's when you act". To this, the assistant acknowledges that that happens to be true. To which, the adviser replies, "It is. In my case, it's the only time that I do." As I was pondering this, I got to thinking about deadlines. Deadline is an interesting word. Just hearing it, I imagine being called to the line, asked if you completed your assigned task and if not, sorry. Depending on your boss, this may feeling literally true, but it's not. Still, the pressure to get it done is there. Left without a purpose, a plan, a timeline, not much will get done. What's the point in rushing to a goal that doesn't exist? Or the point of strategizing a plan that's not going to get implemented. Let's not forget everything that one encounters along the way to accomplishing the task at hand. Things meant to distract, dissuade, detour and derail. These are the things that come against you, that push back on your life, until time and space run out. It's at these times, that people and pastors start considering throwing in the towel. Maybe not on life altogether, but their job, their family, their friends... their ministry. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, that pastors will be given a level of wisdom and discernment beyond themselves, in the situations and challenges they face. May they be encouraged, that the work they set out to do will be completed. Pray they be renewed in their focus to seek the face of God and pray over all situations. May they be empowered, not in their own strength, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, to complete the projects and assignments they face. When up against the line and backed up to the wall, may they experience victory through the power of the Holy Spirit and the hand of God at work in their lives. - PNC ![]() I went to bed last night and woke up again this morning, both times, the megachurch pastor in Georgia who committed suicide recently, still roaming the forefront of my mind. As 2015 closes in less than 72 hours, I can only imagine the year that some pastors and churches have endured. Incredible moves of God, for sure... but also great tragedy. Great loss. Seemingly insurmountable frustration. Faith-breaking situations. Struggles so real, that if people knew even a fraction more of what was going on than they perhaps already know, they would shake their heads in disbelief... having nothing to offer in terms of comfort or strategy that might bring help to the person and/or situation. While I'm the farthest from being an expert on the subject of suicide, I imagine there are a number of process-stages that one goes through in arriving to the decision to go through with the act. I also, believe, that given how life builds up and situations and frustrations compound, it's harder to know exactly, just where one is at in the process. Everyone copes and manages life differently and there are so many things in the world that are changing so much, there's more to the process that's hidden than perhaps we realize. Burn-out. If not managed well, life will scourge our hearts and minds... and the life that was once beautiful; you can't even tell what it is or what it used to be any more. For those in ministry, this is their edge, And with 1500-1700 a month walking away; who knows who is next? Who knows just how close they are? Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for pastors struggling with suicide. Pray for those who are at the various edges of life and decisions that could forever affect, their life, that of family and friends; those who sit in their churches and under their ministry. Pray for the healing and restoration of their hearts and minds through the power of God and the comfort of the Holy Spirit. May they be brought back from the brink of the edge they find themselves. May they know they are loved and appreciated; for indeed, they are. More than they and much more the people express. Rescue those in need; especially those who lead. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. May the healing of our land coming through the healing of our leaders -PNC ![]() “He needed to take a break from ministry and the way our culture is, the culture forbids that. How much do you share? How much grace do people allow?” [furthermore...] “It’s hard to be honest. It’s difficult for some preachers to be honest. Every pastor needs a pastor to kind of lead and guide them. But it’s hard for us to really find that relationship because often pastors are trying to compete with or cremate you. And so it’s difficult to find camaraderie.” - Dr. E. Dewey Smith Jr., senior pastor at The House of Hope Atlanta, on the suicide of Pastor Teddy Parker **read article here: Pastor commits suicide while congregation waits It really is amazing what we have come to in this culture. We desire authenticity and genuine communication and as soon as one replies "If you really want to know..." No, thanks... I didn't really want to know. And the wall is built. Grace is contingent. So is forgiveness. Love comes with strings. Compliments are based on performance Feelings towards the sermon depend on the level of conviction we feel. Tithing, attendance, inviting neighbors and friends, one's desire to get more involved in (or withdraw from) ministry all follow suit. I really can't get over this tragedy and stress enough, the importance of praying for pastors and churches. This is utterly unacceptable. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for all pastors, struggling with any phase of burnout, from walking away to thoughts of suicide. Pray for the miraculous power of healing and strength to fill them and combat the frustration and loneliness they face. Pray for the families affected who don't know where to turn or who to seek for help. May God be their refuge and strength during these times. God help us... and this culture that desperately needs to return to you. In the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. -PNC ![]() The other night, at a small Christmas party, a friend of mine and I had a few minutes that we were able to step outside and catch up, away from the group. It was only 15 minutes or so, but enough to be able to share a few of life's struggles over the past couple of weeks and encourage one another... even if it was as simple as knowing someone else had a similar experience. Later that same night, I put on a movie on Netflix as I went to bed. The younger brother was in some serious trouble and the older brother had to make a deal in exchange for his life. But the brother was going to need some help. And so the calls began in hopes of recruiting his old friends, from another time in his life Depending on the numbers you look at, some statistics regarding pastors have them at around 70% as NOT having any close friends. A whopping 7 out of 10 pastors, do not have at least one, or a few people in their lives that they would consider close enough to share life and ministry and the struggles between the two. This is both bad and easy to fix. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray God will divinely place the right people in the right places to establish the kinds of friends and friendship that pastors need. Pray people, both in the congregation and community will not be so quick to judge and condemn pastors and their families for personal or professional situations or statements that they may disagree with. May tension and conflict decrease in frequency. May patience and understanding increase, as Pastors are working out their own faith and the struggles of life just as much as those not in ministry, yet with the weight of the eternal responsibility they carry, that comes with the office of Pastor. May they be strengthened and encouraged, that they are not alone. That there is help. That there are people who care and are praying. May the church rise up and show themselves the love of Christ to pastors, just as they would their neighbors. For the glory of God. For the cause of Jesus Christ. For what good does it do for a church to reach the lost if it destroys a pastor in the process. -PNC ![]() There are many options... right up until the moment you must make a decision. Then there are very few. If you are anything like me, you can spend almost the entire day playing out scenarios in your mind of what will work, what won't, what would be cool to do, what you'd rather avoid doing, etc, and beyond. (much like I did yesterday) However, if you are not ready to start making decisions that begin moving you in that particular direction, then it doesn't accomplish much. At least when you start moving, you get a sense of what's going on. You'll discover some obstacles, you'll notice some things you like, some things you don't, areas of concern and more. Plus, unforeseen opportunities may come along or doors and paths will be closed and you'll find that option not so much, and you'll have to do something else. Whatever it is you face, eventually, you have to start moving forward and walking in the plan. Otherwise, you'll accomplish nothing. Granted, that happens to be an option, but not a very good one. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for pastor struggling with situations and the decisions they face. Whether they be of a personal nature or a ministry matter, for the courage and the confidence to make good decisions as they weigh and discuss their options. Pray for wisdom for whatever may come their way as they start walking and moving forward. May the Word of God be the light upon their path and the lamp to their feet. For even one step at a time can be a conscientious decision for those walking carefully or struggling to press on. May they do so in the confidence of their trust in Jesus Christ and in their faith they He also has and always does work things out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. When options become decisions, may the glorify God, may they draw us closer to Him and inspire other to do likewise. For the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. -PNC ![]() As a prayed yesterday afternoon as to what God would have for today's #associatePastorTuesday post, it wasn't but an hour or two later and seemingly out of nowhere, came a sensitive topic. Pornography. Really, God? Yeah. It wreaks havoc in an individual. It kills marriages. It utterly ruins a ministry. It shreds a family. A quick google search put me on the front page of a "new" organization, www.provenmen.org that offers incredible resources for this struggle in life. Last year, they teamed up with the Barna Group for a national survey. The highlights include: - 64% of US men view it monthly - 79% of men ages 18-30 view monthly - 67% ages 31-49.... - 49% ages 50-68.... - the number of Christian men view "virtually mirrors" the national average - Christian men are watching at work at a rate in-line with the national average And finally....18% of all men think they are addicted or are unsure if they are addicted. 18%.... also known as 21 MILLION!! http://www.provenmen.org/2014pornsurvey/pornography-use-and-addiction/ One of the comments that I read was from a missionary... who struggled with this issue while serving. There's no getting around these numbers while thinking it's not affecting Pastors of every level, every denomination, in every country. We can no longer avert our eyes to this problem of men and women of faith who are struggling to avert their own eyes as they try to gain victory of this area of struggle in their life. Yes, you read correctly... the same survey has Christian women viewing at about half the national average, on a monthly basis. Pray this #associatePastorTuesday, that the destructive forces of this industry would be broken; for the unsaved, for the believer, for the Pastor. Pray individuals would be set free from this addiction and the possibility of it becoming one for those who are unsure. Pray over the process of conviction, healing and restoration, as God works on hearts and minds in bringing freedom to those struggling. Pray for the effectiveness of resources and tools that are available, such as Proven Men, that as people go through the process they will learn what God has in store for them as they gain victory over this struggle. May they experience peace of heart and mind as freedom and healing come to their lives in incredibly profound ways. Strengthened marriages. Increased effectiveness in ministry. Restored families. New creations in Christ. 21 MILLION....NOW. IN THE NAME OF THE LORD! For His glory. By His grace. Freedom. For there is now, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus... -PNC ![]() **NOTE: I wrote the title before I found this pic. #destined There is so much to be thankful and grateful for on this Thanksgiving Day. In this great nation of the United States: We give thanks for the love and the grace of God and the transforming power of salvation through Christ's sacrifice on the cross. We give thanks for those who have served in military and public service, in defense of our country and community. They have sacrificed their lives and time away from doing life together, as my friend celebrates this day with his "other family", the fire department in the city he serves. And on this #deaconThursday, we give thanks for Pastors, Missionaries and church staff, who all make great sacrifices for the Kingdom of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. They give so much of their time, their talent and the treasure to invest in lives of those in their community. Critical attitudes come naturally, but humility and awareness give light that there is more to life than one's self. And on this day, we give pause to thank those who have given and continue to give of their lives in order that we may enjoy, all the more, the one that we live. On this #deaconThursday, pray for those who have and continue to serve this nation and our community through service to God and to Country. May God strengthen and protect each and every one. Pray for the families and friends affected by their service and those who have lost family and friends by that service; may the Holy Spirit comfort them and encourage them anew and afresh, as many mourn while we give thanks. Pray this Thanksgiving Day, that many come to faith in Jesus Christ, recognizing that ultimately, the life we live is because of His life, that He gave when He took our place on a cross meant for us. -PNC ![]() How true are these words? Resolving matters can be a daunting task to those who don't revel in problem solving... especially where people are involved. It also doesn't help where and problems seem to compound themselves, building upon previous instances, whether they be 50 minutes ago or 50 hourse. And in our attempts to make things right, it's entirely possible to make things worse. Such instances are usually accompanied by the words: "You're not helping!" It can often feel as though problems are trending, as if they were a Twitter or Facebook phenomena. You're barely past one problem spot and bam! Another moment requires your attention. It's as if, there's no break. No reprieve. No "can't something go right for five minutes" period. And in the midst of all this, you hope and pray that your "making things right" actually comes to fruition while you attempt to avoid hearing "you're not helping", lest you come to the point that things might unfold worse than what you anticipate. For the Christian and those in ministry, it's just one more way the enemy uses to throw you off your game, that you are not nearly to close to God as you think, carrying out His will as you hoped or secure in your faith as you believed. Pray this #associatePastorTuesday, for greater insight as to how best solve the problems they face, whether personal or vocational. Pray for discernment and insight as to how they can effectively help in situations and circumstance where the mind can fast forward to "worst case scenarios". May they be reminded, that the enemy has already be defeated, and for every remembrance He brings up against us is opportunity to recognize again, we are God's. Satan has reminders of his own that he hates to hear brought to the forefront. Pray for pastors, that they never forget who is who, in this life. One, victorious over-comer. One, defeated foe. For the glory of God. To whom who makes all things work together for GOOD for those who LOVE God and are CALLED according to His purpose. Help us make the best out of the difficult, the challenging, the problematic and the worst that we face. -PNC ![]() Life. Full of excitement. Full of disappointment. Full of victory. Full of defeat. Full of advancing. Full of retreating. Full of plans and revisions. Smiles, laughter, hugs and tears. Serious solemness. Deflating drama. We all live our own; we all have our own and occasionally, situations intersect. You can relate because you've experienced it first hand. Maybe you can't relate because you have no frame of personal reference. Whether you are a first-hand witness or a third-hand account, as we go through life as we watch life unfold for those around us, we experience varying levels of concern. And every once in a while, the power of God transcends it all and transplants your thoughts into "what would you do if it were happening to you". You may not recognize Him as the source of the process, but there's really no other reason for one to set aside their own life to show compassion and concern for another except for the latter 6 of the 10 Commandments being summarized to "love your neighbor as yourself". The depth of one's concern makes all the difference. What you say. What you do. How you engage in conversation. How you encourage and show support. Where there is little concern, one will notice. Where there is great concern, one will be moved. Lives are rarely changed by lip service. Lives are always changed by acts of love and showings of support. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray that in all the busyness of pastors and ministry, that their concern for the lives in the church and community would be great; that through the power of God, people would be moved by the love and support they receive. Pray for strength, that as they give of themselves in ministry, that God will redeem and replenish their spirits for the love and support needed in their own families, friends and homes. May people realize the love of God through Jesus Christ, as the church works as God's hand extended, to meet the needs of those struggling to live life. May hearts and minds be changed for eternity as people willingly set their own life aside, to show concern for their neighbor...that regardless of their ability to relate, love and support would dominate their words and deeds; never giving simple lip service a chance to do injustice. For the glory of God. Who so loved the world, that He gave His only Son... and the world noticed that people were moved. ![]() There's a scene from one of my favorite TV shows where a man sits on death row, awaiting his pending execution, just 2 days away. His lawyers have a conversation, where the end result ends up being, they get a hold of a Rabbi to speak on capital punishment in order to influence a person whose position has access to the President, in an effort to get him to stay the execution. Sometimes, you can't help but wonder, how the timings of sermons play out in their relevancy and poignancy to the lives of those in attendance. (this by the way, is one reason why I appreciate when my pastor says he doesn't look at giving records... then he has "clean hands" when preaching on tithe/finances) That said, you have to consider how real the struggle remains, for pastors and ministry people to be aware of situations, yet not have one particular topic or issue stand out to prompt the focus of a sermon. Seems mighty tempting, since it can so easily be chalked up to "wanting to help". This is the incredibly fine line of man doing ministry on his/her own strength versus following the promptings of the Holy Spirit. The struggle is difficult, to say the least. Pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for the knowledge and insight into situations that Pastors are aware of; that they would use it wisely and cautiously as they carry out ministry. Pray they would rely on what they receive from their time with God and the promptings of the Holy Spirit when it comes to preparation of presenting the Word of God; whether in class or in service. Pray for the ministry of the Gospel to be relevant and timely because of God's desire to speak to us at our point of need; not because a private situation becomes a sermon topic, even if the parties involved aren't mentioned by name. May such circumstances be covered in prayer and full of discernment; that ministry would transpire with "clean hands". May there be a keen awareness of what the Spirit would say to the church, not what an individual thinks needs to be said to the church. For the church, is the Body of Christ and we belong to God. For His glory. For His purpose. Life abundant. Life eternal. Set-apart. Holy. Wholly His. -PNC ![]() I had an interesting morning, yesterday. Driving along, allowing the Holy Spirit to work through me as I prayed over situations and family and friends. Then, the prompting hit...prayer's catch. A college friend came to mind and the prayer began. And when I thought I was done praying... no, you're not done yet. Continued praying some more. Thought I was done, but no... no release. Some 8-10 minutes later... I finally felt a release of the Spirit; to pray about other people, other matters. But not until there were tears on my face as I sat in traffic, waiting to proceed through a construction zone. So often we pray and it's easy to move through situations and individuals and on to what or whoever may be next. I had opportunity late last night to find the friend online and encourage them, that they were doing good work, faithful to the plan and purpose God had for their life; that they should keep the faith and continue to fight the good fight. Nobody likes being passed over, nor readily dismissed. Neither should our prayers take on similar characteristics of our time and consideration. Consider the massive amounts of people and circumstance that flood the church offices on any given day. In a place and time where it would be easy to offer a quick prayer, a short Scripture and a succinct piece of advice; care and compassion are paramount in expressing and revealing Christ to those in need. That takes time, even when the time is hard to find. It must be found. People's faith, how they handle their fears and how they face the facts of their reality hang in the balance. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray Pastors would be effective managers of time. May they have a keen awareness peoples needs and the time & investment needed, albeit, in light of other responsibilities. Pray a continued willingness for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide, even when it messes up schedules; to pray, guide and advise situations with compassion, knowing that people need to understand they are important in light of eternity and should not be easily dismissed. We need a move of God in our lives, our nation and our world. May the effectual, fervent prayer of man avail much for the glory of God and the cause of Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter if it last 70 seconds over 70 days, or 70 minutes over 700 days, we may never quit believing God to perform the miraculous through the power and the gift of prayer; especially when we following the prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to make intercession for us, when we don't know how to pray. -PNC ![]() In an ever changing, fast-paced society, its easy to continue looking at major decisions and what's next opportunities with anticipation of how things could be better when compared to the frustrations and concerns of our present position. It's why they call it "climbing ladders." Should anyone stop moving, everyone coming behind who is also trying to make progress gets stalled by the one who decided not to continue, at least for the time being. That said, there's incredible value and merit to staying put. There's a great piece of advice in the movie Facing The Giants, where a seasoned Christian man encourages the football coach, facing potential firing, that God is not done with the coach... that until God moves him, the coach is to grow where he is planted. It's certainly a balancing act, as one should guard against complacency, yet, I surmise that stability fosters greater growth at a faster pace, than "constantly" changing environments. The key to success here, is to continually seek the face of God of what He desires to accomplish in and through one's life and purpose from their current position. We always think we have to be "somewhere else" in life for God to accomplish His work, while He says, where I have placed you works for what I have in mind... keep moving and it won't. Said every parent to every kid ever...."STOP MOVING!!" Sometimes, I think God just folds His hands, looks at man and says, "I'll wait. I'm not going anywhere." And we play the typical prodigal... having to find out our way is wrong, before we realize how great it was with what God had going on. So...pray, this #associatePastorTuesday, for those "consume" by what's next in their ministry, their family, their finances. Pray that they continue to seek God and how He plans to use, grow and develop them in their current position. Pray they not be distracted or tempted to move where God is not leading or directing, simply because their is an appeal of some nature, that looks better than the challenge or difficulties that are wearing them down. Pray they remain true to the plans and purposes for which God has called them; trusting that by staying planted where they have been placed, that God will honor their faithfulness and obedience in ways they don't expect. Finally, pray, that should they be facing a time where a transplant is on the table, they will again, seek and trust God and whatever weighs in the decision process, they will follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the fulfillment of God's will and not just the "greener" aspects of what's next. LIFE... for those planted by Living Waters. Divinely placed and positioned by the hand of God. For His glory. By His grace. The sovereign Hand of Providence at work in our lives; where stability fosters growth leading to greater effectiveness for the cause of Christ, we pray. -PNC ![]() Who wouldn't and doesn't expect a return on their time, their treasure or their talent? Effective product design, hard-earned money and the life of one who is capable of so much more if only one would take the time to make a contribution in them. It matters not what will remain here on earth with our name on it after we are gone. That said, giving is the currency of heaven. What is done in this life as an act of love on behalf of Jesus Christ counts as a transaction in heavens' registry. The difficulty is that, while that's true, it is difficult at best and excruciating at worst to watch someone in their faith experience constant frustration in this life as though prayers and efforts are landing seriously short. However, much like Wall Street, to witness long-term gain, you have to stay in the market. On this #associatePastorTuesday, pray that all pastors and associates in particular, will trust God anew and afresh, finding the courage and the staying power to remain in the marketplace of ministry. Pray they will see tangible, life-changing moments that will alter peoples' destinies for eternity. Pray for breakout and breakthrough for those issues that have held people captive whereby they have struggled to experience life with a positive outlook, having the joy of the Lord at the very root of their being. Pray pastors will witness the yielding of much fruit in the lives of those they minister, recognizing that through their sacrifice and willingness to serve, God is utilizing the message of the Cross to change their communities, in order that none would perish, but all would come to repentance. For the glory of God. Through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. With the help of the Holy Spirit. An incredible, eternal reward awaits. An earthly investment. A heavenly return. An eternity changed. One life at a time...and we've none to spare! -PNC |
AuthorJust a man, attempting to fulfill God's plan. Husband, Dad, Dreamer. Blogger. Archives
February 2019